I. Supplementary XML
To install 3rd-party fonts via EasyMod on a SEC device, placing just TTF files in 05fonts directory is not enough. For the device to load such fonts, you should give the device some additional data for the fonts. The data should be in XML (eXtensible Markup Language) format and should be placed in 05fonts directory alongside with the TTF files.
In this document you will be able to:
1) download the XML data template, and;
2) learn how to edit the template to make it accurately describe the fonts you’re installing.
II. Downloading the XML Data Template
You can download the XML data template from the link below:
III. Working with the XML Data Template
1. Preparation
(1) Open the XML data template you just downloaded with your favorite archiver, such as BandiZip, 7-Zip, or WinRAR and extract the XML file.
(2) Download a Unix-compatible text editor, such as Notepad++, Notepad2, or EditPad Lite, etc.
CAUTION: Notepad (Windows built-in) is NOT a Unix-compatible text editor.
2. Editing the Content of the XML Data Template
(1) Open the XML file you extracted with any of the Unix-compatible text editors above.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<font displayname="표시할 글꼴 이름 Example Font Name">
(2) There are THREE places you should edit. 1) ‘displayname’ attribute of the root element ‘font’, and 2) content of TWO ‘filename’ elements.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<font displayname="HCR Gothic">
First, locate <font displayname= on the second line. This is where you set the font name as you like. Your device will add the font to the list with the name you set here. As you might have guessed, this does not need to be accurate. However, the name must always be QUOTED.
Then, locate <filename> on the fifth line. This is where you set the font filename (*.ttf) for REGULAR weight. This DOES NEED to be ACCURATE, and is CASE-SENSITIVE. Also, this should NOT be quoted.
Finally, locate <filename> on the ninth line. This is where you set the font filename (*.ttf) for BOLD weight. This NEED to be ACCURATE, and is CASE-SENSITIVE. Also, this should NOT be quoted.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<font displayname="MOGEF Youth">
Note that you can set a single TTF file for regular and bold at the same time. In the example above, mogefYouth.ttf is used for both regular and bold typeface.
(3) Finally save the file.
3. Renaming the XML Data Template File
From the File Explorer, rename the XML data template file ‘GomdoLightEasyModFontXMLDataTemplate.xml’ so the name MATCHES with the TTF file used for regular typeface, except for the file extension ‘.xml’. For example, HANDotum.xml for 2nd illustration, or mogefYouth.xml for 3rd one.
4. Putting Them All Together
Place the XML data template file in the 05fonts directory, along with the TTF files. Now you’re all set.
IV. Copyright
Font files are software programs protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties. EasyMod feature is designed to enable users to use lawfully obtained font files within legal boundaries, not to violate other people’s rights.